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About Us
About Us
We make connections

kolligate is a digital temp staffing platform to help Job Posters and Job Seekers discover their perfect employment match. At kolligate, we aim to create a marketplace which is transparent, easy to access and has workflows designed keeping Job Posters’ and Job Seekers’ needs in mind. We wanted to honor our goal by choosing a meaningful name for our platform, which is why we picked the name kolligate — a derivative of the word colligate, which means ‘to connect’. kolligate is committed to encourage positive behaviors, hence the connections we facilitate aim to offer phenomenal outcomes. Whether you’re a professional seeking temp work or an employer looking for a temp, we invite you to connect with our kolligate community.

Our Story
Our Story
A few years ago, we started a dental office. The beginning was rough. One of the major struggles we continued to battle was treating patients when our employees were unavailable. Like many businesses needing temp staff, we reached out to temp staffing agencies, but we, unfortunately, had unsatisfactory experiences using their services for many reasons. We struggled to treat patients when our staff wouldn’t show up and there was no flexibility to choose who would work in our office. We found out that we weren’t the only ones facing these challenges as other employers also faced similar problems. We connected with some of the professionals who were temping and learned that they were facing challenges on their sides as well. Just like that, these challenges sparked the idea to create a modernized digital solution to redefine temp staffing. After months of research and hard work, kolligate shifted from an idea to a reality. We created a digital marketplace that prioritizes the voice of both the Job Posters and the Job Seekers. Thus, we created a community where Job Posters and Job Seekers could connect with one another based on their preferences and needs — a win-win situation.
kolligate is thankful to everyone who contributed to making this platform come to life. Our community continues to grow and improve to ensure an excellent experience for everyone.
We value and welcome new members to our community who can further help enhance the kolligate experience. Join us!
-Dr. Preet Taneja and Rishi Taneja
kolligate: Temp staffing solution you
kolligate: Temp staffing solution you can trust